Thursday 17 July 2014

HADO തൊട്ടുകൂടായ്മയുടെ ശാസ്ത്രം

പുണ്യാഹത്തിലൂടെ എങ്ങനെ ശുദ്ധി ഉണ്ടാകുന്നു. ക്ഷേത്രത്തിൽ ബിംബം എങ്ങനെ ശുദ്ധം ആകുന്നു. കലശ അഭിഷേകം എങ്ങനെ പരിശുദ്ധി പ്രദാനം ചെയ്യുന്നു. അശുഭ ചിന്തകരുടെ സ്പര്ശനം/സാന്നിധ്യം എങ്ങനെ ദോഷകരം ആകുന്നു. എല്ലാം ഇതിൽ നിന്ന് സ്പഷ്ടം.

1999 ല് ജര്മൻ സായിപ്പ് ഇതിനു ഉത്തരം കണ്ടെത്തി. നമ്മൾക്ക് ഇതൊന്നും കാണാൻ ഉള്ള കണ്ണില്ല. വിജ്ഞാന വിപ്ലവത്തിലൂടെ ലോകം മാറിയാലും നമുക്ക് ഇരുട്ട് മതി! നമുക്ക് ശാസ്ത്രം എന്തിനു... മൂന്നാംകിട തരികിട രാഷ്ട്രീയം അല്ലെ ലാഭം....! ഇതൊക്കെ  കണ്ടില്ല എന്ന് നടിക്കുകയേ മലയാളികള്ക്ക് നിവൃത്തിയുള്ളൂ. :P

A few notes copied from various sites follows. Links underneath

“HADO creates words Words are the vibrations of nature Therefore beautiful words create beautiful nature Ugly words create ugly nature This is the root of the universe.” Dr. Emoto

Hado effect
Researcher Dr Masaru Emoto, chief of the Hado institute in Tokyo, demonstrates probably the most convincing and startling effects that human consciousness can have on physical reality.
Dear Dr Emoto has discovered an effect on water that was given the name the ‘Hado’
effect. He describes it as follows, quote: ‘Hado is the intrinsic vibration pattern at the atomic level in all matter, the smallest unit of energy. Its basis is the energy of human consciousness’.  He wrote a book that was issued in 1999 called ‘The Message from Water’ that has sold millions of copies already around the globe and has been translated in many languages. He’s lecturing and holding seminars around the world and also conducts live experiments where he demonstrates the ‘Hado’ effect of water.  
 The word Hado is getting populair these days.  People use it to express the vibrations of
a place or person, ‘this place has no Hado’ or ‘He is low on Hado today’!
And all this upheaval is about crystallized frozen water? What is it that he has
 Dr. Masaru Emoto has performed a series of experiments in which he proves that our thoughts and feelings affect our physical reality. Water was his subject of study and he started out studying the shape of water ice crystals. He used all sorts of water from all different places all over the world and studied how they would form ice crystals. He noticed that water from heavy polluted rivers doesn’t crystallize at all and that clean mineral spring water produces beautiful ice
crystals when being frozen.
So far so good, it is a result that may be expected. However to his amazement he
discovered that the crystallization of the water molecules was somehow related to
his mood !?  He started experiments in which he used clean tap water and sent all
kinds of human emotional thoughts and feelings to the water samples before
freezing them. To his astonishment the water reacted to his intentions. When
negative thoughts and feelings were used, no beautiful ice crystals were formed,
they were either chaotic in form or did not crystallize at all. However when he
sent loving thoughts and feelings to the water before freezing it, the most
beautiful and regular highly organized crystals formed. In following experiments
he put stickers on the bottles of water and labelled them with words like ‘Love,
God’ and ‘Hate and Devil’ and again the ice crystals reflected the intention of the
words put onto them. It is imazing to see the differance!

Next he experimented with all kinds of music to test the effect. Music is a natural
expressing of vibrations and it was no longer a surprise that the vibrations of  lovely classical music versus aggressive angry hard rock music were also reflected in the ice crystals .
Dr. Emoto’s Hado theory postulates that, ‘since all phenomena are at heart
resonating energy, by changing the vibration we can change the substance’. So
when we want to change the internal vibration of let’s say polluted water, we can
use our positive intention to clean this water!
And that’s exactly what Dr. Emoto and his ‘followers’ are now doing. All over the world Hado cleansing rituals are held to clean our rivers, seas and oceans. The  first time he demonstrated the effect of Hado in public, he gathered a crowd of th   350 people around Japan’s most polluted lake, Lake Biwa on the 25   of July 1999. The foul water smelled horrendous caused by the algae ‘Kokanada’ that
yearly covered the lake! In the gathering organized by Dr. Emoto a large crowd of
people projected their positive intentions like a laser beam onto the polluted 

Water samples of the lake’s water were taken before and after the ceremony and
a dramatic improvement of the structure of the water crystals was detected. A
month after the ceremonial, a newspaper article appeared in the influential Kyoto
Shinburn newspaper. The article stated that this year ‘the spread of the water
algae had improved and that the foul stench had disappeared’.  This did not happen for almost

The two ideograms comprising this expression HADO (pronounced HADO to rhyme with shadow) literally mean "wave" and "move". The smallest unit of energy. Its basis is the energy of human consciousness. A rapid understanding of HADO quickly spread throughout Japan as Dr. Emoto's theory gained ground. The word subsequently became part of daily language. "The HADO of this place is really low. Let's leave." "That person has a really powerful HADO." "Let's change the HADO of this environment." Conversational pieces such as this now abound in Japan and it is largely due to his revolutionary photographs of water crystals under high magnification.
What has put Dr. Emoto at the forefront of the HADO phenomenon is his proof that thoughts and feelings affect PHYSICAL reality. By producing different HADO through written and spoken words, as well as music and literally presenting it to the SAME water samples, the water appears to "change its expression". The exquisite beauty of the above crystal of frozen tap water is clearly the result of HADO being projected at it. The expression of human gratitude (arigatou) is thus immediately reflected in water. Well, if this appears to be the case then let's see what other 'expressions' water may have...

Japanese researcher Dr. Masaru Emoto introduces the concept of hado in his bestselling book, The Hidden Messages in Water.
Have you ever walked into a room full of people and, without anyone saying a word, you sensed the mood? After receiving a warm hug, have you felt like a huge burden was lifted? If so, you were experiencing the power of hado. It is that simple.
"Hado" may be new to our ears, but it has existed in the Japanese language for centuries. Literally translated, it means wave motion or vibration. Within the past few decades hado has been spoken of in the context of philosophy, science and quantum physics. More recently, the definition has expanded into the spiritual realm to express the healing properties and transformative powers of this life-force energy. 
— Toyoko Matsuzaki
Hado is everywhere. It's in you, your house, your office, your plants, your water, even your computer. And everyone and everything, including your housepets, your wood floors, and the mug on your desk act as an antenna to receive it. After circulating inside the body or innate materials, hado returns to the air in Mother Nature.
Welcome to our website, here you will find out about water's consciousness, how our words, thoughts, emotions, pictures, music and more can have a direct effect on water and the crystals it forms.
You will also find a network of Certified Hado instructors, people who were trained personally by Dr Emoto. All of us are certified to give presentations to large and small groups alike. We are all dedicated healers, professionals, massage therapists, neighbors — mainly people dedicated to world peace, respect, and preservation of our planet. Some of us are accredited Hado Practitioners that use Hado resonance devices.

The Meaning of “HADO”
Although the science of HADO is new to America and the West, the word HADO has existed in the Japanese language for centuries. Literally translated, it means “vibration.” HADO science is the study of subtle vibrational energy. HADO is important, because this vibrational energy exists in everything.
Dr. Max Planck(1858-1957),Nobel Prize in Physics, German Physicist said:
"Everything is a vibration and its effect. In actuality, no physical matter can exist. All the physical matters are composed of vibration."
In his book The Hidden Messages in Water, Dr. Masaru Emoto—a leading HADO scientist and scholar who has taught seminars for inova in Taiwan—writes:
“Hado is the intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter. It is the smallest unit of energy.”
Although Asia has recognized this energy science for centuries, in the West it was not commonly discussed before the revolution known as “quantum physics.” The fundamental premise of quantum physics is that everything is in a state of vibration. All people, all plants and animals, all substance on earth and in the universe vibrates. And each person, each plant, each thing has its own frequency, its own HADO coding that is as unique to it as a fingerprint or a genetic profile is to a person.
Some quantum physicists argue that the atom itself is not so much mass as it is vibration or rotation. And there is evidence that this energy or subtle vibration exists even at a sub-atomic level.
The popularization of quantum physics over the past 20 years has provided a platform for the more serious consideration of Hado, the science of recognizing the unique vibrations and the influence they have on one another. In other words, not only does each of us have HADO in our own cells, our own bodies, but everything we come in contact with also has a vibrational energy that relates to and influences us. When we feel uneasy in the presence of another person, place, or experience, we may be responding to the relationships of HADO.
Why HADO Is Better Known in Asia
The study of Hado is much more advanced in Japan and Taiwan than in the West. Part of the reason for this is that prior to the discovery of quantum physics in the West, Asian science and philosophy has for many centuries focused on energy rather on physical mass as do the allopathic sciences of the West.
For instance, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine focus on the energy systems of the body. Even the Chinese study of herbs is a study of the ways in which the energy of plants has a positive influence in balancing the energy of the body.
inova Founder Wen-Pin Lee & HADO
inova founder Wen-Pin Lee says of this balancing influence of HADO in iWater:
“When you drink iWater, the water molecules are arranged in parallel lines, not at random as in untreated water. This …is good for balance, for Yin and Yang, and to permit toxins to be removed from the cells.”
As Wen-Pin Lee explains, the energy sciences of the Chinese were an early form of what was to be developed into the modern science of HADO by scientists such as [insert] and inova Advisor Hirotoshi Yamanashi.
inova CEO Mandy Lee Explains
“The level of HADO resonance determines the affect of one object upon another. For instance, a mobile phone’s HADO does not resonate well with the human body. Similarly, there are foods and activities the HADO of which does not resonate well with the human body. These subtle vibrations are far more significant than has previously been supposed.”
Another reason for the neglect of HADO research in the West is that, like the nuclear study of subatomic particles, HADO itself is invisible. What we can see in the world and feel in our bodies is the evidence of HADO.
Discovering a Way to “See” the Unseen

Only in the late-20th and early-21st centuries were scientific evidences produced by which the influence of HADO could be demonstrated. Dr. Masaru Emoto first stunned the scientific community with Dr. Nakaya Ukichiro's photographs of microscopic water crystals that clearly demonstrated the HADO influence: resonance as subtle as music and as pronounced as magnetic energy. This verifies that water receives ambient signals and encodes information as a kind of “intelligence.”
The HADO of music is one reason why pediatricians have discovered that a mother singing to her unborn child can produce calm in the child; just as loud or angry noises will agitate and disturb the baby.
Another, even more dramatic scientifically significant demonstration of HADO was developed and refined by inova Advisor and HADO expert Hirotoshi Yamanashi. The Personal Information Analyzer (PIA) is a biological body vibration analyzer that provides evidence of the influence of HADO in three categories:
1.     to determine the independent safety and effectiveness of external substances such as food and environmental influences
2.     to determine the compatibility to the human body of substances such as food and environmental influences
3.     to determine the well-being or stress of the human body
inova Advisor Hirotoshi Yamanashi describes HADO as “the smallest evidence of life and substance.” Like electrons and neutrons, HADO cannot be seen but is recognized by the evidence of this vibration, which is tested and quantified by the PIA.
Evidences of HADO
The evidence of HADO is everywhere: in colors, sounds, scents, emotions, consciousness, and light itself, which is recognized to consist of waves or vibrations. But the PIA provides valuable information on the resonance of HADO and the between individuals and their environment.
Using evidence as the definition, Yamanashi teaches that all the messages received in Nature— sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste—are reflections of HADO. Therefore, when we speak of being one with Nature, we are referring to the HADO we sense emanating from every living and inanimate part of Nature that makes up our world, and even more importantly our experience in the world.
inova Advisor and HADO Science Expert
Hirotoshi Yamanashi
Born in 1962 at Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Graduated from Chuo University, Industrial Chemistry Department. Researcher at Shizuoka University, Agriculture Department, Applied Microorganism Research Institute.
Yamanashi joined a major food manufacturing company. He was mainly involved in research of emulsion and development of food products. In order to explore the natural dietary life, he established the HADO Medical Science Institute. As the director of the institute, he was involved in research and development and the application of additive-fee food, functional food, and food using HADO technology.
Through various researches on keeping the freshness of food, quality improvement of food and the live stock industry, Yamanashi became interested in the relationship between water and the biological body, and he began his research on water and HADO.
Office YAMANASHI was established in 2001. Yamanashi is involved in various technological developments where subtle energies are applied to various industries.
Since 2002, he has been involved in various researches as a consultant for JAPIN International Inc. together with its founder Wen-Pin Lee. This research included “body and water,” “HADO trait in water,” “anti-aging effects using phyto-chemicals and nano materials,” and the “stability of L-ascorbic acid by applying magnetic treatment technology.” He is also involved in research and development of cosmetics which focus on revitalization of the skin using anti-ageing technology, water technology, and HADO technology as the foundation.
Yamanashi’s Main Clients: A Major Textile Manufacturing Company: Development of functional fiber using HADO technology and materials; such as ores, minerals and metals. Development of functional fiber using plant based elements. A Major Feed Manufacturing Company: Quality improvement of meat, dairy products, eggs using HADO technology and functional ingredients, Environmental enhancement of livestock yards and stables.
Improvement of contaminated soil and purification of water using HADO technology and microbial technology.
Local Government: 
Establishment of agriculture using HADO technology and microbial technology, Improvement in flavor and quality of agricultural crops.
Aqua Farming-related: 
Establishment of aqua farming using HADO technology and microbial technology.
Distribution Industries: 
Freshness-keeping system for fresh produce. Freezing and defrosting systems using subtle energy.
Recent Researches:
Development of applied technology for precious metals (platinum, gold, silver, palladium, etc.) and the fullerene nano colloid industry, and the development of plant fermentation food.
Influence of HADO
Evidence of Water
As early as the first research of Dr. Nakaya Ukichiro, and later documented by Dr. Masaru Emoto, Water is reported to be like a floppy disc: it can receive information, good or bad. And it is the only conductor that can transmit and retain HADO. In his book, The Message of Water, Emoto concludes that only clean, wholesome water creates the beautiful hexagonal crystal indicating good information and encoding. These are precisely the crystalline shapes produced by inova iWater!
inova Advisor Hirotoshi Yamanashi defined active water as water that has memorized good HADO. In his book HADO Energy and the Secret of Life he states that we need three elements in order to have water retain good HADO energy and information:
Memory Media
Water that contains minerals such as silicon to facilitate memorizing premium HADO and information. That is why bottled water, purified water, or distilled water is not only bad for the environment (because of the waste it produces in discarded bottles, etc.) but it is water that is not good for our bodies, because the reduction of minerals turns it into dead water that can’t encode the necessary intelligence.
Clean Water
As evidenced by the crystal studies of Dr. Emoto, only clean water can remember premium information. inova Advisor Hirotoshi Yamanashi defines clean water as being free from pollutants, but not free from the minerals necessary to encode information. Soluble minerals absent from much bottled or distilled water are essential for media memory. But neither contaminated nor tap water can serve as a premium source for HADO, due to the chlorine and other pollutants that interfere with the decoding of the original information.
Right Hado Resonance
All things have HADO, but not all HADO resonates healthfully with our bodies. The purpose of the Personal Information Analyzer (PIA) is to serve as a biological body vibration analyzer that provides evidence of the influence of HADO and to understand whether HADO emitted specific things is resonant with our human body.
HADO energy waves or vibrations are generated through harmonious resonance between material bodies, seeking optimal energy in living bodies. The HADO PIA test almost always shows the human body has a clear rejection response to substances such as overly processed food or chemical products.
PIA Testing
The PIA (What is PIA?) is not a device that directly detects HADO. Rather, it is used to detect whether HADO emitted from a test subject is resonant or not with the living cells in a specific person. The test measures various subject responses such as variations of electric resistance on the skin and records the response on a scale:
above +19 : very few HADO readings at this near perfect level.
above +15 : produces positive wellness support
above +10 : wellness maintenance
above +6 : regular vegetables and quality cosmetics
±0 : no negative effect to human health
below 0 : negative to human health
below -10
below -15 : toxic
-20 : lifeless
In the early 1990s, Dr, Masaru Emoto introduced the MRA (Magnetic Resonance Analyzer) developed by Ronald J. Weinstock of the U.S.A., This was the beginning of the HADO (subtle vibration energy) research in Japan.
Since then, a new device was developed in Japan using his technology as a foundation. It was used in various fields and the HADO boom started in Japan. The food company Mr. Hirotoshi Yamanashi used to belong to also acquired this measurement device.
During that time, people started to doubt the credibility of the HADO measurement device because the measurement values collected from HADO measurement devices varied greatly depending on the measurers. Also, problems arose due to lack of a clear explanation about the features or fundamentals of the device.
However, due to the emergence of a new key word “HADO,” people started to pay attention to the existence of subtle energies; such as electro-magnetic waves, magnetism, chi, consciousness, etc. The Subtle-Energy Association was established and various researches on subtle energies began among many companies. For instance, Sony opened a lab called ESPer Research where a study on clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. is conducted.
The HADO Device Review Committee was established at the Subtle-Energy Association, and a group which conducts research on the principles of the HADO measurement device was also established. This group was lead by Dr. Taro Yoshida (former president of Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Company and former Executive Technical Director of Mitsubishi Electronic Corporation).
First of all, in order to verify the reliability of the measurement values, an exam was conducted where selected measurers throughout Japan had to identify distilled water and distilled water with 0.1 ppm of agrichemicals. Mr. Yamanashi was the only person who answered 100% correctly. Furthermore, with a cooperation of Dr. Kazumasa Shiga, a director at the Brain Function Research and Development Center, Mr. Yamanashi’s brain waves were observed when he was taking measurements. Dr. Masakazu Shiga is the leading researcher on brain waves and he has been doing research on the relationship between human ability and brain waves. What we found out was that the HADO measurement device does not directly measure HADO energies.
The HADO signals that emit from physical matter is perceived by the biological body of the measurer, and the device determines whether the HADO signals resonate or are rejected by the biological body by observing the changes of skin resistances.
Mr. Yamanashi’s brain waves, while he is taking measurements, have no waveform and it is flat. The cerebral neocortex governs how the human being learns, to have the will, the emotions and the intellect, and to be able to memorize. In Mr. Yamanashi case, the cerebral neocortex is not active and it is in a dormant state.
In other words, the brain that governs the fundamental instincts and emotions of a life form called the reptilian brain (fairly-brain) is being activated and it can decipher the subtle signals emitting from physical matter.
Based on this research, PIA (Personal Information Analyzer) converts these subtle changes in the brain when the measurer is in the state of “unconscious = emptiness” into an electrical signal, and changes it into resonant sound and non-resonant sound.
Migrating birds can sense magnetism, which human beings cannot sense. It has been said that salmon can swim from a river to the ocean and return back to the original river because they can sense the information of the water. With PIA, the biological body of the measurer is used as a bio-sensor to measure signals emitting from physical matter, which normally cannot be seen and sensed. It is a device that quantifies the impact of the HADO energies in physical matter to the biological body, through the resonance of the body and cells with physical matter.
Visible & Invisible Evidences of HADO
The visible evidences of HADO—both positive and negative—can be witnessed in the physical world of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, pesticides, environmental toxins, and so forth.
The invisible evidences of HADO—again, either positive or negative—are witnessed by information, intention, environment, energy, and so on.
There is light we can see (visible HADO) and spectrums of light we cannot see (invisible HADO). The subtle vibrations of all things resonate not only within themselves, but between one another.
Hado Energy and the Secret of Life
By Hirotoshi Yamanashi
Stress. Pollution. Biological toxins. All are evidence of a modern world in which technology has run amok with Nature. The core idea of HADO in Hado Energy and the Secret of Life is that you can’t mess with Mother Nature!
The HADO science of inova is an effort to teach that lesson to the world. First and foremost in that effort is iWater. Throughout our lives, we literally exist as mostly water. To live a healthy and happy life, the answer is simple: Purify your life by letting iWater teach your body how to live again!

The Universal Power of Hado
by Toyoko Matsuzaki

Have you ever walked into a room full of people and, without anyone saying a word, you sensed the mood? After receiving a warm hug, have you felt like a huge burden was lifted? If so, you were experiencing the power of hado. It is that simple.

"Hado" may be new to our ears, but it has existed in the Japanese language for centuries. Literally translated, it means wave motion or vibration. Within the past few decades hado has been spoken of in the context of philosophy, science, and quantum physics. More recently, the definition has expanded into the spiritual realm to express the healing properties and transformative powers of this life-force energy.

Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto introduces the concept of hado in his bestselling book, The Hidden Messages in Water.

Hado is the intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter, the smallest unit of energy. Its basis is the energy of human consciousness."
--Masaru Emoto

Is there a difference between hado, chi, and aura? Yes, but the concepts are similar. "Chi," which originated in ancient Chinese medicine and philosophy, is an energy force used in reference to so many different concepts, such as air, emotion, or feelings, that the Japanese spiritual community now uses the word "hado" to express the life-force energy.

Hado is different from aura because an aura is soft energy lingering around the body that may provide a limited amount of personal information. Hado energy is strong and active and releases very detailed information about a person, much like a diary or a medical chart. An aura is not something you release or send, but you can send hado with a specific purpose once you understand how. Ultimately, hado can manipulate the essence of the physical and the intangible. For example, hado can heal your injuries or transform a picture from two into three dimensions.

What does hado look like? According to Japanese hado master Toyoko Matsuzaki, it changes its appearance all the time because of its moving nature and everyone perceives it differently. It may appear as a warm glow or snow showers of pale colors or even rich bold rainbow colors. You may sense the density or weight of hado as light and comfortable or heavy and stifling. For instance, if you stand in a candy store you may feel lighter than you would standing in a funeral home. You are feeling the temperature of hado when you refer to someone as having a warm personality or a cold heart.

Hado is everywhere. It’s in you, your house, your office, your plants, your water, even your computer. And everyone and everything including your housepets, your wood floors, and the mug on your desk act as an antenna to receive it. After circulating inside the body or innate materials, hado returns to the air in Mother Nature.

The power of hado can be harnessed and used for specific intentions. Each person has equal access to hado power by nature, but the output of power is different in each individual. If you have been told, "You are a good chef," or "You give a great massage," you were most likely born with the ability to develop strong hado powers. Hado master Toyoko Matsuzaki discovered her own hado ability after her mother suffered a severe stroke. To ease her mother’s pain she massaged her paralyzed body. A miraculous sensation welled up within her soul—she started sending her own hado power to her mother without knowing it. With this power she healed her mother’s paralysis. After this incident her friends and family members started to visit her seeking help. When strangers started approaching her for assistance, she began to seriously study hado. Today she travels as a consultant throughout Japan, Taiwan, and the United States. Her varied clientele includes business professionals, artists, musicians, physicians, lawyers, actors, and homebuyers.

Although everyone has hado power, it takes a natural gift, dedicated study, and years of practice to reach a master’s level, just like many people can play basketball, but only those with a special talent can play in the NBA. To get started on your path to hado power, take this simple first step: Become aware of the space around you - its feeling, temperature, and density of the air. Start to do this everywhere you go: your home, office, the grocery store, your friends’ houses. You will begin to notice variations in hado and sense the subtle intricacies. Become attuned to hado that feels good and hado that feels bad. In her new book, Matsuaki offers further exercises for beginners. In one exercise, beginners are instructed to send their hado to a painting. After sending enough hado, the colors of the painting become more vivid and embossed—literally "three-dimensional." Or, if you love to watch sports, you can practice your hado power by watching competitions. Start with one-on-one sport games, such as boxing. Before the competition, compare the density of the air released from both players, and guess who will win.

With practice you may acquire the ability to change the taste of food and water, improve the energy in your home or office, discover people’s (especially children’s) hidden talents, even heal physical ailments and imbalances of your own and others’, discover your hidden clairvoyant abilities, and receive messages from departed loved ones.

If your interest in hado is piqued, Matsuzaki offers more tips to improving your life with hado in her book, The Healing Power of Hado:

Receive Good Hado from Mother Nature
The easiest way to receive good hado is to visit nature, such as walking in the forest, camping alongside a pure stream, or going to the beach. This pure hado stays with you only temporarily, so you should connect with nature as often as you can. If you are living in the city and have no time to visit nature, you can receive good hado all the time by filling your home with plants. Without exception, plants release good hado, and the bigger the trunk of the plant, the stronger the hado it releases.

Make Your Jewelry Shine
Jewelry is touching your body directly and tends to absorb your negative energy. With the help of plants, you can cleanse your jewelry, too. Open up the windows and the screens and put your jewelry near the base of strong plants and leave it for a while. If your jewelry has absorbed a large amount of negative energy, you may want to leave it all day. Also, you will see a difference if you put the jewelry near the window and expose it to the air and sunlight on a sunny, dry day.

Improve the Energy of a New Living Space
Dwellings are imprinted with the thoughts and emotions of previous owners. Those residual feelings are sometimes so strong that they control the next occupants’ feelings and behaviors. To improve a new place’s hado, try the following method. Choose a sunny day to cleanse your house. First, prepare salt water and open all the windows, screens, and doors, and turn on any air conditioners and fans. Ask everyone to leave the house and stay out until the procedure is finished. Pour the salt water onto the ground around your building, asking the salt to purify your house. Visualize the air inside of each room moving to the exits, such as windows and doors, and leaving the house. Repeat this visualization until all the air finally exits. Stay away from the house for at least ten minutes so that you don’t expose yourself to the dense, negative hado energy that is leaving.

Once we become aware of it in our everyday lives, hado can spark great changes in our physical space, health, relationships, business, and ability to cope with difficult situations. The most important principle of hado is to practice it every day to feel your energy improving. See for yourself and unleash this subtle yet powerful energy into your life.

Toyoko Matsuzaki’s new book, The Healing Power of Hado (Beyond Words Publishing), offers a clear understanding of hado properties that help to demystify this special form of energy. Also included are helpful tips for anyone to access their own powers, lessons to practice hado skills, and guidelines to form practice groups. Toyoko lives in Osaka, Japan and is currently traveling throughout the world teaching hado.

The Meaning of “HADO”
Although the science of HADO is new to America and the West, the word HADO has existed in the Japanese language for centuries. Literally translated, it means “vibration.” HADO science is the study of subtle vibrational energy. HADO is important, because this vibrational energy exists in everything.
Dr. Max Planck(1858-1957),Nobel Prize in Physics, German Physicist said:
"Everything is a vibration and its effect. In actuality, no physical matter can exist. All the physical matters are composed of vibration."
In his book The Hidden Messages in Water, Dr. Masaru Emoto—a leading HADO scientist and scholar who has taught seminars for inova in Taiwan—writes:
“Hado is the intrinsic vibrational pattern at the atomic level in all matter. It is the smallest unit of energy.”
Although Asia has recognized this energy science for centuries, in the West it was not commonly discussed before the revolution known as “quantum physics.” The fundamental premise of quantum physics is that everything is in a state of vibration. All people, all plants and animals, all substance on earth and in the universe vibrates. And each person, each plant, each thing has its own frequency, its own HADO coding that is as unique to it as a fingerprint or a genetic profile is to a person.
Some quantum physicists argue that the atom itself is not so much mass as it is vibration or rotation. And there is evidence that this energy or subtle vibration exists even at a sub-atomic level.
The popularization of quantum physics over the past 20 years has provided a platform for the more serious consideration of Hado, the science of recognizing the unique vibrations and the influence they have on one another. In other words, not only does each of us have HADO in our own cells, our own bodies, but everything we come in contact with also has a vibrational energy that relates to and influences us. When we feel uneasy in the presence of another person, place, or experience, we may be responding to the relationships of HADO.

Why HADO Is Better Known in Asia

The study of Hado is much more advanced in Japan and Taiwan than in the West. Part of the reason for this is that prior to the discovery of quantum physics in the West, Asian science and philosophy has for many centuries focused on energy rather on physical mass as do the allopathic sciences of the West.
For instance, acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine focus on the energy systems of the body. Even the Chinese study of herbs is a study of the ways in which the energy of plants has a positive influence in balancing the energy of the body.

inova Founder Wen-Pin Lee & HADO

inova founder Wen-Pin Lee says of this balancing influence of HADO in iWater:
“When you drink iWater, the water molecules are arranged in parallel lines, not at random as in untreated water. This …is good for balance, for Yin and Yang, and to permit toxins to be removed from the cells.”
As Wen-Pin Lee explains, the energy sciences of the Chinese were an early form of what was to be developed into the modern science of HADO by scientists such as [insert] and inova Advisor Hirotoshi Yamanashi.

inova CEO Mandy Lee Explains

“The level of HADO resonance determines the affect of one object upon another. For instance, a mobile phone’s HADO does not resonate well with the human body. Similarly, there are foods and activities the HADO of which does not resonate well with the human body. These subtle vibrations are far more significant than has previously been supposed.”
Another reason for the neglect of HADO research in the West is that, like the nuclear study of subatomic particles, HADO itself is invisible. What we can see in the world and feel in our bodies is the evidence of HADO.

Discovering a Way to “See” the Unseen

Only in the late-20th and early-21st centuries were scientific evidences produced by which the influence of HADO could be demonstrated. Dr. Masaru Emoto first stunned the scientific community with Dr. Nakaya Ukichiro's photographs of microscopic water crystals that clearly demonstrated the HADO influence: resonance as subtle as music and as pronounced as magnetic energy. This verifies that water receives ambient signals and encodes information as a kind of “intelligence.”
The HADO of music is one reason why pediatricians have discovered that a mother singing to her unborn child can produce calm in the child; just as loud or angry noises will agitate and disturb the baby.
Another, even more dramatic scientifically significant demonstration of HADO was developed and refined by inova Advisor and HADO expert Hirotoshi Yamanashi. The Personal Information Analyzer (PIA) is a biological body vibration analyzer that provides evidence of the influence of HADO in three categories:
  1. to determine the independent safety and effectiveness of external substances such as food and environmental influences
  2. to determine the compatibility to the human body of substances such as food and environmental influences
  3. to determine the well-being or stress of the human body
inova Advisor Hirotoshi Yamanashi describes HADO as “the smallest evidence of life and substance.” Like electrons and neutrons, HADO cannot be seen but is recognized by the evidence of this vibration, which is tested and quantified by the PIA.

Evidences of HADO

The evidence of HADO is everywhere: in colors, sounds, scents, emotions, consciousness, and light itself, which is recognized to consist of waves or vibrations. But the PIA provides valuable information on the resonance of HADO and the between individuals and their environment.
Using evidence as the definition, Yamanashi teaches that all the messages received in Nature— sight, smell, sound, touch, and taste—are reflections of HADO. Therefore, when we speak of being one with Nature, we are referring to the HADO we sense emanating from every living and inanimate part of Nature that makes up our world, and even more importantly our experience in the world.

inova Advisor and HADO Science Expert
Hirotoshi Yamanashi

Born in 1962 at Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Graduated from Chuo University, Industrial Chemistry Department. Researcher at Shizuoka University, Agriculture Department, Applied Microorganism Research Institute.
Yamanashi joined a major food manufacturing company. He was mainly involved in research of emulsion and development of food products. In order to explore the natural dietary life, he established the HADO Medical Science Institute. As the director of the institute, he was involved in research and development and the application of additive-fee food, functional food, and food using HADO technology.
Through various researches on keeping the freshness of food, quality improvement of food and the live stock industry, Yamanashi became interested in the relationship between water and the biological body, and he began his research on water and HADO.
Office YAMANASHI was established in 2001. Yamanashi is involved in various technological developments where subtle energies are applied to various industries.
Since 2002, he has been involved in various researches as a consultant for JAPIN International Inc. together with its founder Wen-Pin Lee. This research included “body and water,” “HADO trait in water,” “anti-aging effects using phyto-chemicals and nano materials,” and the “stability of L-ascorbic acid by applying magnetic treatment technology.” He is also involved in research and development of cosmetics which focus on revitalization of the skin using anti-ageing technology, water technology, and HADO technology as the foundation.
Yamanashi’s Main Clients: A Major Textile Manufacturing Company: Development of functional fiber using HADO technology and materials; such as ores, minerals and metals. Development of functional fiber using plant based elements. A Major Feed Manufacturing Company: Quality improvement of meat, dairy products, eggs using HADO technology and functional ingredients, Environmental enhancement of livestock yards and stables.
Improvement of contaminated soil and purification of water using HADO technology and microbial technology.
Local Government: 
Establishment of agriculture using HADO technology and microbial technology, Improvement in flavor and quality of agricultural crops.
Aqua Farming-related: 
Establishment of aqua farming using HADO technology and microbial technology.
Distribution Industries: 
Freshness-keeping system for fresh produce. Freezing and defrosting systems using subtle energy.
Recent Researches:
Development of applied technology for precious metals (platinum, gold, silver, palladium, etc.) and the fullerene nano colloid industry, and the development of plant fermentation food.

Influence of HADO
Evidence of Water

As early as the first research of Dr. Nakaya Ukichiro, and later documented by Dr. Masaru Emoto, Water is reported to be like a floppy disc: it can receive information, good or bad. And it is the only conductor that can transmit and retain HADO. In his book, The Message of Water, Emoto concludes that only clean, wholesome water creates the beautiful hexagonal crystal indicating good information and encoding. These are precisely the crystalline shapes produced by inova iWater!
inova Advisor Hirotoshi Yamanashi defined active water as water that has memorized good HADO. In his book HADO Energy and the Secret of Life he states that we need three elements in order to have water retain good HADO energy and information:
  1. Memory Media
    Water that contains minerals such as silicon to facilitate memorizing premium HADO and information. That is why bottled water, purified water, or distilled water is not only bad for the environment (because of the waste it produces in discarded bottles, etc.) but it is water that is not good for our bodies, because the reduction of minerals turns it into dead water that can’t encode the necessary intelligence.
  2. Clean Water
    As evidenced by the crystal studies of Dr. Emoto, only clean water can remember premium information. inova Advisor Hirotoshi Yamanashi defines clean water as being free from pollutants, but not free from the minerals necessary to encode information. Soluble minerals absent from much bottled or distilled water are essential for media memory. But neither contaminated nor tap water can serve as a premium source for HADO, due to the chlorine and other pollutants that interfere with the decoding of the original information.
  3. Right Hado Resonance
    All things have HADO, but not all HADO resonates healthfully with our bodies. The purpose of the Personal Information Analyzer (PIA) is to serve as a biological body vibration analyzer that provides evidence of the influence of HADO and to understand whether HADO emitted specific things is resonant with our human body.
HADO energy waves or vibrations are generated through harmonious resonance between material bodies, seeking optimal energy in living bodies. The HADO PIA test almost always shows the human body has a clear rejection response to substances such as overly processed food or chemical products.

PIA Testing

The PIA (What is PIA?) is not a device that directly detects HADO. Rather, it is used to detect whether HADO emitted from a test subject is resonant or not with the living cells in a specific person. The test measures various subject responses such as variations of electric resistance on the skin and records the response on a scale:
·         above +19 : very few HADO readings at this near perfect level.
·         above +15 : produces positive wellness support
·         above +10 : wellness maintenance
·         above +6 : regular vegetables and quality cosmetics
·         ±0 : no negative effect to human health
·         below 0 : negative to human health
·         below -10
·         below -15 : toxic
·         -20 : lifeless
In the early 1990s, Dr, Masaru Emoto introduced the MRA (Magnetic Resonance Analyzer) developed by Ronald J. Weinstock of the U.S.A., This was the beginning of the HADO (subtle vibration energy) research in Japan.
Since then, a new device was developed in Japan using his technology as a foundation. It was used in various fields and the HADO boom started in Japan. The food company Mr. Hirotoshi Yamanashi used to belong to also acquired this measurement device.
During that time, people started to doubt the credibility of the HADO measurement device because the measurement values collected from HADO measurement devices varied greatly depending on the measurers. Also, problems arose due to lack of a clear explanation about the features or fundamentals of the device.
However, due to the emergence of a new key word “HADO,” people started to pay attention to the existence of subtle energies; such as electro-magnetic waves, magnetism, chi, consciousness, etc. The Subtle-Energy Association was established and various researches on subtle energies began among many companies. For instance, Sony opened a lab called ESPer Research where a study on clairvoyance, telepathy, etc. is conducted.
The HADO Device Review Committee was established at the Subtle-Energy Association, and a group which conducts research on the principles of the HADO measurement device was also established. This group was lead by Dr. Taro Yoshida (former president of Mitsubishi Electric System & Service Company and former Executive Technical Director of Mitsubishi Electronic Corporation).
First of all, in order to verify the reliability of the measurement values, an exam was conducted where selected measurers throughout Japan had to identify distilled water and distilled water with 0.1 ppm of agrichemicals. Mr. Yamanashi was the only person who answered 100% correctly. Furthermore, with a cooperation of Dr. Kazumasa Shiga, a director at the Brain Function Research and Development Center, Mr. Yamanashi’s brain waves were observed when he was taking measurements. Dr. Masakazu Shiga is the leading researcher on brain waves and he has been doing research on the relationship between human ability and brain waves. What we found out was that the HADO measurement device does not directly measure HADO energies.
The HADO signals that emit from physical matter is perceived by the biological body of the measurer, and the device determines whether the HADO signals resonate or are rejected by the biological body by observing the changes of skin resistances.
Mr. Yamanashi’s brain waves, while he is taking measurements, have no waveform and it is flat. The cerebral neocortex governs how the human being learns, to have the will, the emotions and the intellect, and to be able to memorize. In Mr. Yamanashi case, the cerebral neocortex is not active and it is in a dormant state. In other words, the brain that governs the fundamental instincts and emotions of a life form called the reptilian brain (fairly-brain) is being activated and it can decipher the subtle signals emitting from physical matter.
Based on this research, PIA (Personal Information Analyzer) converts these subtle changes in the brain when the measurer is in the state of “unconscious = emptiness” into an electrical signal, and changes it into resonant sound and non-resonant sound.
Migrating birds can sense magnetism, which human beings cannot sense. It has been said that salmon can swim from a river to the ocean and return back to the original river because they can sense the information of the water. With PIA, the biological body of the measurer is used as a bio-sensor to measure signals emitting from physical matter, which normally cannot be seen and sensed. It is a device that quantifies the impact of the HADO energies in physical matter to the biological body, through the resonance of the body and cells with physical matter.

Visible & Invisible Evidences of HADO

The visible evidences of HADO—both positive and negative—can be witnessed in the physical world of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, pesticides, environmental toxins, and so forth.
The invisible evidences of HADO—again, either positive or negative—are witnessed by information, intention, environment, energy, and so on.
There is light we can see (visible HADO) and spectrums of light we cannot see (invisible HADO). The subtle vibrations of all things resonate not only within themselves, but between one another.

Hado Energy and the Secret of Life
By Hirotoshi Yamanashi

Stress. Pollution. Biological toxins. All are evidence of a modern world in which technology has run amok with Nature. The core idea of HADO in Hado Energy and the Secret of Life is that you can’t mess with Mother Nature!
The HADO science of inova is an effort to teach that lesson to the world. First and foremost in that effort is iWater. Throughout our lives, we literally exist as mostly water. To live a healthy and happy life, the answer is simple: Purify your life by letting iWater teach your body how to live again!

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